Former judo star Estela Rodriguez, Cuba’s first world judo champion, died of a heart attack on Sunday at the age of 54.
Estela Rodríguez Villanueva was the 1989 World Champion who won three World Championships medals. She was Olympic finallist for Cuba in 1992 and 1996, capturing a gold medal at the Tournoi de Paris in 1992.
The two-time Olympic runner-up in the category +72kg kilograms in Barcelona 1992 and Atlanta 1996 was also two-time gold medallist at the 1991 Pan-American Games in Havana. In fact her medals are countless. She was described as an essential figure in the history of Cuban judo.
Es triste decir adiós cuando todavía hay mucha vida por vivir, así parte la estelar judoca Estela Rodríguez,
campeona mundial de la disciplina en #Cuba
hacia la eternidad
transmite las más sentidas condolencias a familiares y amigos
— Defendiendo Cuba (@DefendiendoCuba) April 10, 2022