Kei Izawa Sensei – 6th Dan. Chief Instructor of AIKIKAI TANSHINJUKU, gave special interview to Guillaume Erard.
In Part 1 Izawa tells his interesting story and answers the majority of questions:
He begun his practice of Aikido in Tokyo, Japan, at Aikikai Hombu Dojo in 1969, under the late Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba, a week after O Sensei passed away.
In 1976, Izawa Sensei moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts where he studied under Mitsunari Kanai Shihan, 8th Dan of New England Aikikai.
Izawa Sensei has also practiced under numerous instructors at Hombu Dojo such as Osawa Sensei (senior), the third Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba.
Izawa sensei has taught at New England Aikikai, as well as in the United Kingdom and Germany.
Izawa Sensei is the translator of the biography of O Sensei written by Second Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba and published by prestigious Kodansha International “A Life in Aikido”.