Over 100 fighters from across the country participated in the first training session with Peter Aerts. The K-1 legend for the third time in this year is a guest-instructor in Bulgaria. This time his training sessions are part of the KWU International Professional League seminar and the fourth edition of Senshi.

The first of the total of four training sessions was held in one of the sports halls in the Palace of Culture and Sport in Varna. The fourth edition will be held in the same arena but in the sports hall “Kongresna”.

The Dutch Lumberjack gave the fighters pricelessly advises and paid attention to almost all of them. Only professional fighters from 16-yrs and above could take part in the training session.
Another kickboxing legend, Ernesto Hoost, will take part in the training sessions. The kyokushin pioneers Sensei Alexander Pitchkunov, Shihan Ivo Kamenov, and Shihan Asen Asenov also will be head-instructors of the seminar.

The member of the board committee of the Bulgarian kyokushin federation, Shihan Asen Asenov, was the head coach of the first Yaido training session. The first Bulgarian gold medalist in kyokushin will also take part in a referee course with Shihan Ramil Gabassov who is a member of the board committee of KWU and head of the Russian Martial Arts Union.