One of Bulgaria’s top kickboxers Atanas Bozhilov will be making his first world kickboxing title defense this upcoming February at SENSHI 5. The event is scheduled to take place on February 22 in Varna, the place where all started a year ago.
Атанас Божилов, капитан на националите ни по кикбокс, двукратен световен шампион при професионалистите, шампион WAKO PRO, за четвърти път ще се изправи на арената на SENSHI!Научете повече за SENSHI 5 на👊Atanas Bozhilov, captain of our national kickboxing team, two-time world champion among the professionals, WAKO PRO champion, will fight for the 4th time at SENSHI! Learn more about SENSHI 5 at👊
Публикувахте от Senshi в Вторник, 7 януари 2020 г.
Bulgaria’s national kickboxing team captain won the world WAKO PRO kickboxing belt in the 71.8 kg category last April at SENSHI 2. The Bulgarian defeated Max Spodarenko from Belarus in what was the main event of the night.
The 33-year-old Burgas native will be making his 4th SENSHI appearance. He’s three for three up to this point with his last victory coming in October 2019 when he defeated another Belarusian fighter – Pavel Pravashinski in a fight conducted under the K-1 rules.
In 2018, Bozhilov became a world kickboxing champion for professionals, capturing the Kickboxing Grand Prix in the -72.5 kg category.
At the end of December 2019, Atanas received a special award during “The Golden Belt” ceremony in Sofia for popularising and developing combat sports in Bulgaria.
His opponent at SENSHI5 is yet to be announced, but organizers say it’s a matter of week or two.

SENSHI 5 will produce 9 fights at the Palace of Culture and Sports in Varna, as you can buy tickets from HERE.
More information about SENSHI’s fifth edition can be found on and on our website.