GLORY welterweight champion Harut Grigoryan is set to face Cedric Doumbe in an epic main event bout at the 64-th edition of GLORY in Strasbourg. Female Super-bantamweight champion Anita Meksen will face Tiffany Van Soest for the second time in her career. Both fight are scheduled for 5x3minute rounds.
Welterweight (-77KG)
Harut Grigorian (CC) vs. Cedric Doumbe (Title Fight)(5x3minutes)
Armenia France
48-11-0 71-6-1
Super Bantamweight (-55,3KG) (Female)
Anissa Meksen (CC) vs. Tiffany Van Soest (Title Fight)(5x3minutes)
France U.S.A
97-4-0 18-3-1
Heavyweight (+95KG)
D’Angelo Marshall vs. Daniel Skvor
Curaçao Czech Republic
18-4-0 25-9-2
Light Heavyweight (-95KG)
Michael Duut vs. Donegi Abena
The Netherlands Suriname
43-10-0 23-5-0
Welterweight (-77KG)
Murthel Groenhart vs. Alim Nabiyev
The Netherlands Azerbaijan
68-23-3 50-7-0
Light Heavyweight (-95KG)
Zinedine Hameur-Lain vs. Artur Gorlov
France Latvia
60-16-0 23-7-0
Featherweight (-65KG)
Abdellah Ezbiri vs. Anvar Boynazarov
France Uzbekistan
47-13-1 94-26-2
Welterweight (-77KG)
Mike Lemaire vs. Arian Sadikovic
U.S.A Germany
21-5-0 ???
Middleweight (-85KG)
Matěj Peňáz vs. Donovan Wisse
Czech Republic Suriname
21-2-0 11-1-0
Lightweight (-70KG)
Itay Gershon vs. William Goldie-Galloway
Israel United Kingdom
15-4-0 13-5-0
Featherweight (-65KG)
Aleksei Ulianov vs. Massaro Glunder
Russia Moluccan Republic
22-3-1 32-12-4
Lightweight (-70KG)
Guerric Billet vs. Michaël Palandre
France France
30-2-0 26-2-0
Middleweight (-85KG)
Ertugrul Bayrak vs. Jakob Styben
Turkey Germany
17-6-0 15-1-0
Welterweight (-77KG)
Dani Traoreja vs. Jérémy Antonio
Germany France
??? ???
Featherweight (-65KG)
Vincent Foschiani vs. River Daz
Germany Australia
7-4-0 ???
Middleweight (-85KG)
Daniel Krost vs. Mathieu Ceva
France France
??? ???
Super Bantamweight (-55,3KG) (Female)
Esma Hasshass vs. Jiwaen Lee
Morocco South-Korea
9-3-0 13-3-0